February 13, 2025

Sanford Cardiff

Next Gen Systems

Cloud Security Defined – Four Steps to Take Now


The cloud, that ethereal place where you can store and access your data, is a wonderful thing. It has transformed the way we do business and it’s made our lives easier in so many ways. But there are also some serious security challenges to consider when moving to the cloud—and these challenges are only becoming more important as cloud computing becomes more popular among consumers and businesses alike.

Understand the cloud.

The cloud is a computer network that offers shared resources, such as software, data and infrastructure. The term “cloud” refers to the Internet or a private network for remote access. Cloud computing allows users to access applications anywhere on any device at any time, rather than having to install software locally on each machine in your organization.

Cloud computing has many benefits over traditional IT systems:

  • It’s easier to deploy new applications because they don’t have to be installed on every desktop or laptop computer in your company; they can just be accessed remotely by users via their web browsers or mobile apps. This means there are fewer costs associated with installing and maintaining new software updates across all of your devices–which used to take months when you had physical copies of programs stored locally on each machine (and required frequent maintenance).
  • The cost savings from using public clouds instead of building out your own infrastructure will vary based on how much capacity you need now versus what kind of growth trajectory is forecasted over time; but regardless whether it’s saving money now or later down the line (or both), there’s little doubt that moving forward into this new paradigm will make sense once businesses realize its potential benefits outweigh any initial concerns about security risks associated with storing sensitive information outside one’s own physical walls.”

Know your data.

The first step to cloud security is knowing your data. Before storing anything on a cloud, it’s important to understand how the data is structured and what it contains, as well as its sensitivity.

For example: If you have an email account with personal information such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, this may be considered highly sensitive or even classified information by some companies. The risk of someone accessing this information could result in fines up to $100 per occurrence (per person) under GDPR regulations if not properly protected by encryption technology like Data Loss Prevention tools that prevent access without proper authorization

Understand vulnerabilities.

The first step to adopting cloud security is understanding the vulnerabilities of the cloud and how to mitigate them. While many organizations are quick to adopt new technologies, they often fail to understand how these new systems will impact their business and what risks they may be taking on in exchange for benefits.

The second step is understanding how you can best use this technology so that it enhances your business strategy rather than hindering it or putting your data at risk. For example, if a company has an existing legacy system that does not work well with mobile devices, then adopting a cloud-based solution may be preferable because it makes this type of functionality readily available without having to invest heavily into updating old applications–which could take years or even decades!

Start with a plan.

The first step in the cloud security process is to start with a plan. The best way to do this is by creating an overall strategy and then breaking it down into smaller tasks that you can work on individually. With this method, you’ll be able to establish a clear direction for your organization while still being flexible enough to adjust as needed.

Once you have a general idea of where your company wants its security efforts headed, it’s time to start defining specific requirements based on those needs. This includes identifying all assets within the scope of protection (what needs protecting), understanding threats and vulnerabilities related specifically within that scope (what could happen if an attacker accessed these assets), determining risk factors associated with those threats (how likely these things would actually occur) and finally calculating consequences if any given scenario were ever realized (what would happen if they did).

Moving to the cloud is not without risk, but by following these steps, you can mitigate that risk considerably.

Cloud security is a complex issue, and there are many risks involved in moving to the cloud. However, by following these steps and taking time to understand the process of cloud security, you can mitigate those risks considerably.

Cloud security is not an endpoint; it’s a process that requires ongoing diligence to ensure that your data remains safe from breaches or loss.


Moving to the cloud is not without risk, but by following these steps, you can mitigate that risk considerably.