February 19, 2025

Sanford Cardiff

Next Gen Systems

Best Augmented Reality Tools for App Developers


As an app developer, you’re probably used to having access to some of the most cutting edge technology on the market. The latest smartphones, VR headsets and AR devices are all at your fingertips thanks to the fact that you work in a field so closely tied with technology. But even though we’re living in an age where there is an abundance of tools available for creating augmented reality experiences, not every tool is right for every job. That’s why we’ve decided to put together this list: to help you get started in exploring what it takes to create augmented reality experiences without wasting time or money on tools that don’t work for your business needs!

AR Studio

AR Studio is a powerful tool for creating augmented reality experiences without having to write code. It supports ARKit, ARCore and Unity so you can build apps for iOS and Android devices as well as the web.

AR Studio comes with a collection of templates that you can use to get started quickly with your own projects, or you can create your own custom scenes from scratch.


ARCore is a mobile augmented reality (AR) platform developed by Google. It uses the camera on your device to detect flat surfaces and allows you to place virtual objects in your environment. The virtual objects look like they’re part of the real world, thanks to Google’s advanced computer vision technology.

Google has released an early preview version of ARCore on Android devices that have at least 1GB of RAM and running Android 7 Nougat or above.


Vuforia is a software development kit (SDK) for augmented reality applications. Vuforia allows developers to build AR apps for both Android and iOS devices. The SDK includes an object recognition engine that enables you to annotate objects in the real world with digital content, including text, images and videos.

Vuforia supports multiple platforms including Unity/Unreal engine so you can easily import 3D models into your application using existing toolsets designed for those engines


ARToolKit is an open source library that enables developers to create augmented reality experiences. The library was developed by the University of Washington and is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

ARToolKit supports Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms and works with OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics cards.

Apple ARKit

ARKit, the augmented reality framework for iOS, is one of the most popular options in this space. It allows developers to build apps that can recognize flat surfaces like tables and posters, as well as place virtual objects on them. You can then walk around these table-top games or interactive experiences with your phone or tablet to see how they look from different angles in real time.

ARKit also supports “world tracking,” which enables users to move around an area while keeping their view locked onto the same point in space–a feature that makes it easier for developers to create high-quality experiences without having too much memory overhead from constantly redrawing everything on screen every frame (which tends to happen with traditional 3D engines).

These tools will help you get started in the world of augmented reality

There are a number of tools you can start with to get started in the world of augmented reality. AR Studio, ARCore and Vuforia are all good places to begin your journey. ARToolKit is another great option for hobbyists and developers who want to build their own custom apps without having to learn how to code from scratch. If you’re looking for something that’s prebuilt with all the bells and whistles included then Apple’s ARKit may be right up your alley!


I hope you’ve found this list of augmented reality tools helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out in the comments!